Everyone Has A Role To Play: The Ecosystem of Social Impact

The through line of our work and core mission is creating access and opportunity where it would not exist otherwise. Everyone has a role to play in creating these pathways to change, access, and opportunity, and this understanding is something that is at the heart of our work. 

Yet, no “one size fits all approach” applies here. The impact we wield, whether as an individual or an organization, isn't universally cut from the same cloth. It's stitched together by the position we occupy, the expertise we bring, and the lens through which we engage in the overall ecosystem.

Enter the Agitators – the drumbeaters of change. They spread the news about inequity, casting light on obstacles that obscure the path to opportunity. Their persistent cadence disrupts the status quo, be it through protest, general awareness campaigns, or other means that rally others around a cause. Agitators ignite the spark for change by drawing attention to pressing issues and creating a sense of urgency.

Once an issue is identified, a path to address it must be charted. The Way-Finders emerge – the strategists of the coalition. They discern the nuances of the challenge, articulate a vision for the future, and create a roadmap to get there. They let you know the type of programming that needs to occur, the initiative that needs to be funded, or the coalition that needs to be formed. They illuminate a way to success, showing us how to breach walls and shatter barriers, guiding our steps toward lasting social impact. 

In our Co-Conspirators, we find those who are uniquely positioned to lend their prowess to causes greater than themselves. Their talent, skills, resources, and expertise bolstered by unwavering support, fuel the engine of progress. The Co-Conspirators are in a position to help you do things that you might not be able to do without their assistance and this ultimately accelerates the work.

Then come the Allies, they walk alongside you and hold various degrees of influence, resources, and abilities. While they are not necessarily at the center of the movement, they support it in various capacities. They may amplify messages, provide resources, or endorse the cause. Allies broaden the coalition's reach, ensuring that the movement penetrates multiple layers of society. Whether measured in time, resources, or goodwill, their commitment propels the mission forward. 

Finally, there are the True Leaders. They are the ones who have closest proximity to the challenge, and the clearest view of what is taking place. They may not always have the bandwidth, resources, or opportunity to shoulder a more proactive role but they are absolutely essential. While they are poised to be beneficiaries of the work and recipients of support, they are a fundamental cornerstone of the mission.

As we seek to create access and opportunity, we must never overlook the significance of the True Leaders. Their position within the ecosystem is paramount. We too often celebrate meaningless data points, boasting of assisting thousands of individuals and families. But we must stop to consider – have we truly made an impact? Do we actually comprehend what transformational impact means within that particular community? Can we clearly identify how life outcomes have shifted?

Behind these numbers are the true architects of change – those directly impacted – the True Leaders. They possess the exclusive vantage point to delineate whether the problem has actually been solved and can share their unfiltered story of progress.

As we reflect upon this ecosystem, we realize that those who are seeking to create true impact must remain in the closest proximity to the True Leaders and the very challenges they seek to address. The old adage remains true: "those closest to the problem, are closest to the solution." Moreover, engaging in social impact work without a first hand understanding of the landscape can often do more harm than good. It is important to fundamentally understand the realities faced by those you wish to support, humbling your own ego and motives in the process. Without adherence to this philosophy, your misguided energy can amplify issues rather than heal them.

At the same time, there is a fine line between genuine engagement and mere tokenism. The presence of those with proximity to the challenge should be the norm, not an isolated individual or project. Power dynamics must be assessed and evaluated within organizations. If those closest to the struggles remain relegated to entry-level positions with little influence over policies and resources, that is fertile ground for tokenism to emerge. From the frontline staff to the most senior executives, it is important for everyone to recognize, grasp, and execute their role.

There is also a danger of embracing a savior complex – the belief that social impact organizations and professionals stand as the heroes for a community. This discounts the power and potential within the very communities we strive to work alongside – their abundant talent, expertise and rich perspectives. It also mistakenly overlooks the need for collaborative, grassroots-driven solutions in favor of top-down approaches. A reminder to those working in social impact: you are not the star, but rather a facilitator collaborating with communities to develop solutions that drive transformational change. 

A reminder to those working in social impact: you are not the star, but rather a facilitator collaborating with communities to develop solutions that drive transformational change. 

By leveraging the strengths of agitators, way-finders, co-conspirators, allies, and true leaders, these coalitions can be an unstoppable force. Keep in mind that everyone has a role to play in the pursuit of true social impact. Which one are you?

Burnell Holland